“Alcoholics cannot be helped by A.A. unless they know A.A. exists”
- The AA Group Pamphlet
The purpose of the Area 13 Public Information Committee is to carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic.
It achieves this by creating awareness of the AA program to the general public while staying within the boundaries of the 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.
The Area 13 Public Information Committee increases awareness about the AA program to the general program within the scope of the 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Discuss existing and formulate (when deemed necessary) new A.A. General Service Conference Agenda Items
Train local A.A. District Public Information Committees on coordinating local Public Information activities
The Area 13 Public Information Committee works with its Member District Committee Members (DCMs) and volunteers to discuss General Service Public Information Agenda Items and share their feedback with the Area Delegate.
In addition, it to meets to discuss potential Public Information policy (e.g. updating A.A. Pamphlets aimed at educating the General Public, or revising the A.A. Public Information Workbook) and advance motions to the Area Assembly to garner support from the Area before advancing to the General Service Conference Coordinator.
It coordinates local public information service activities through local AA Districts and groups such as:
Ensuring copies of AA General Service Conference approved literature (e.g. Big Book, 12x12, Living Sober) are available in public and university libraries
Placing AA General Service Conference approved Public Service Announcements on local radio and television stations
Generating interest at local universities, high schools, federal agencies, or professional programs for A.A. speakers
Training A.A. speakers on how to present at non-AA meetings
Coordinating with local AA Districts and AA groups the placement of pamphlets and local meeting lists on literature racks in high schools, universities, police stations, hospitals, etc.
Generating and / or responding to media requests, such as television and radio appearances, while keeping in mind A.A.'s Twelve Traditions, most especially the tradition of anonymity at the level of press, radio, television, and film.
Sending a letter to high schools, offering A.A. literature and A.A. Videos for Young People and/or a presentation on A.A. — what we do and what we do not do.
Placing a small (paid if necessary) announcement in local newspapers especially around the holidays
Providing meeting schedules behind the front desks at every hotel, motel and bed and breakfast or by encouraging Districts to place a copy of the Big Book and local meeting list in every hotel/motel room
Place tear-off tabs on corkboards in local police precincts, university health centers, community centers, etc.
Participate in district and state A.A. seminars and conventions.
And more